(404) 992-5541 brett@rosenadvisory.com

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The M&A Minute

M&A Education in Less than One Minute

The Four Most Common Problems When Selling Your Business

The Four Most Common Problems When Selling Your Business

Here are four common challenges that companies may encounter post-acquisition. The good news is, these issues are predictable and addressable before a sale is executed: 1. Integration challenges: Integrating two companies is a complex process that requires careful...

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Identifying Conflicts in M&A Advisory

Identifying Conflicts in M&A Advisory

M&A (merger and acquisition) advisors play a critical role in facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. However, conflicts of interests can arise in this process due to the nature of their role. Here are some common types of conflicts of interests that...

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How Long Does an M&A Transaction Take?

How Long Does an M&A Transaction Take?

One of the most frequent questions I get is how long an M&A transaction takes from start to finish. Here is some guidance on timing of transactions.  When working with a firm that knows they want to find a buyer, six months is the amount of time it takes, broken...

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Big vs Small Advisory Firms

Big vs Small Advisory Firms

An agency owner recently shared with me that they were told by a large M&A firm that they could get his agency a higher purchase price than smaller advisory

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Upcoming Events

Rosen Advisory to Present M&A Education at NABIP’s National Convention

 The presentation, led by Principal Brett Rosen, will guide agency owners in strategic planning and achieving optimal outcomes in mergers and acquisitions. The session will cover essential steps such as 5 Star Planning…

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Watch a recording of our webinar to learn about the fundamentals of building agency value.

Watch a recording of our webinar to learn about the fundamentlas of building agency value.

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